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Software and Games: What is a Beta Version?

What is a Beta Version

In the field of software development and the application of programs on the end devices of the users, terms such as alpha, beta, update, upgrade, and others are often used. But what do you mean by these terms? What does beta mean for software, video game, or app?

What does beta mean for software and video games?

An example: Before releasing coin master free spins, they conducted a beta version. Gamers today can enjoy free spins because of this. One speaks of a beta version when it is software that contains all the essential components of the program, app, system, or game. But not everything has yet been tested exhaustively. So while an alpha release is the basic skeleton, may be missing key features or sections, and may even have more bugs, the beta is a lot closer to the final product. However, additional features, modules, sections, or content may be added after a beta test. The design can also change before the release of the first “correct” version.

Why is the software released as a beta version?

Now you can ask yourself why developers and companies actually put unfinished software on the market. Well, that has various advantages for both them and the users whether it’s an indie video game or a beta version of iOS, macOS, and other Apple operating systems. Depending on the type such as the pre-release of the main version or preview of an update of a finished software, there are these advantages.

  • Testing of the software and constructive feedback from potential users
  • Realization of better functions, simpler menus, better design, etc.
  • Financing of further development up to the release of the finished product
  • Other developers can use the betas of systems and interfaces to adapt their own apps, plugins, etc. before the release
  • Players of alpha and beta versions usually get games including updates and upgrades cheaper than buyers of the later release product

Companies like Apple release beta versions of macOS, iOS, watchOS, tvOS, and others so that app developers can prepare for the new functions. Indie developers and studios release alpha and beta versions of their programs or games to get help finding and fixing bugs and money. Years of development can be financially draining, especially for newcomers to the market. The testers are also looking forward to first impressions of the announced software and being able to help with the development. It’s also cool to have to pay less for the game.
